The IISM team combines the technical knowledge of researchers and engineers with the management and organizational skills of professional international project managers.
Our team supports R&D from the creation of ideas through the project execution to implementation in industry.

Georg has been involved in the EU Framework Programme since 2001 and has experience as- a coordinator of, partner in and consultant for the preparation of FP 5 to H2020 projects. From 2000-2002 he was active at the NCP in Austria, and since 2003 active as Evaluator for the EC. He holds Masters Degrees in Biotechnology (BOKU 2000) , Engineering Management (TU Wien, Oakland University 2001) and Pedagogics (Hochschule für Agrar- und Umweltpädagogik 2003).
He is also Managing Director at Eutema Research Services Gmbh (2019-current).

Patrick is a graduate engineer in computer science at the Vienna University of Technology (TU) and has many years of experience a project manager and research assistant in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence at the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI). He worked for EU projects as MACS, MindRACES and SIGNAL.
His scientific interests are embedded systems & intelligent systems, mobile autonomous robots, artificial immune systems, and embodied AI. He is author of several scientific publications.

Jörg is a graduate engineer in computer science and an experienced system administrator and IT consultant. He worked for several years as a scientist in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence. He also dedicated himself for many years to strategic research management in national and international R&D projects as well as to the implementation of studies and strategy projects.
His scientific interests are especially intelligent systems, mobile autonomous robots and embedded systems, and human cognition. He is author of scientific publications.